Monday, September 2, 2013

Something That I Miss - DWC Day 28

I had to think hard here because I have kept many of my emotions about things lost to fire, breakage, and theft in check by assuring myself that it's people that are important, not things.  Things can be replaced.  Even expensive things can eventually be replaced.  In the past year we have replaced a lost car and two lost computers.  I still miss my guitar, my mother's Christmas ornaments and dishes (that aren't replaceable), and a bigger house that I could call my own.  But on to today's subject...

I miss VCR's and all the uses of a VCR. (Admittedly I still have one that has to be cleaned after every two or three videos, but I wish I could get a new one and videos to go with it.) We could record shows and watch them a million times. We could record the news if something significant occurred or a commercial if we thought it was cute or fun or useful to teach with. The VCR was so easy for the toddler's to use and helped them learn basic shapes very quickly (the sticker has to be on top and push the triangle button. No, the square button stops your movie. Push the triangle button.) We didn't realize that DVD's were coming and have stacks of VHS tapes, great movies that we now overlook due to the inconvenience of no VCR or an antique VCR that won't play clearly. DVD's don't last very long, they get scratched, cracked and destroyed if left in the toddler's hands. I'm sure that there is some technology out there that would allow me to turn my old movies, home videos, and weeks of recordings of my soap opera and the mini-drama“V” into DVD's. But that gadget probably costs an arm and a leg and then what happens when DVD's are out and there is something new?

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