Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Where I'd Like to be in Ten Years - DWC Day 1

In ten years I'd like to be in a much more functional place in my life. I've been a dysfunctional adult for far to long. Look at any area of my life that you feel like examining and you'll find a mess, chaos, or at least neglect. I can't blame anyone else for being dysfunctional. I am an adult and my messes are my own. But it will be a struggle to fix them. I have tried many methods to find a more functional life: trial and lots of error, reading enough self help books to have a PhD, letting others take control, denial. My favorite is denial because then there is nothing that I have to fix and I can just lay on my couch watching NCIS.

In ten years I'd like to be at a healthy weight and, without eaters regret, be able to choose my meals for flavor and enjoy-ability. I'd like to have a method of fitness that brings me to life so that each day is easier and more vibrant because I exercised. I wish to have a plan (and the finances to back it up) to take three big trips each year: one just for me alone, one with my kids and grand-kids, and one with the man I love. I crave a daily ritual that allows me time alone for myself to think and review my life, and express prayers and gratitude. I strongly desire to have scheduled time with my lover, my children, and my grandchildren to create memories so that they always have a piece of me in their heads and their hearts. I want to be in a relationship with man that can show me that he cares for me everyday and that allows me to do the same for him (Love is in the little things...). I'd enjoy reviving, or building new, family traditions to make each family celebration special and memorable. I'd love to be living in a home that we own with a porch swing, fruit trees, a small vegetable garden, and safe places for the kids and pets to play without creating continual chaos and mess but still connected to the house and family. I'd prefer to have enough income to not carry any debt, to be able to pay all the bills on time, to be able to go to the doctor when necessary, to be able to go on our yearly trips, to be able to take my sweetheart out for his birthday or the grand-kids out for ice cream, and to stop living in fear of eviction, shut-offs, and loss. I envision myself making money as a successful writer. I pray that my man and I can fairly equally contribute to all areas of our joint life so that there aren't any feelings of superiority or inferiority. I'd enjoy volunteering with groups that help animals and humanity, especially children. I'd truly like to feel confident when I speak Spanish. I'd humbly like to be recognized for achievements that I have made in writing or volunteer service, at least once.

I think that was probably the most helpful activity that I have ever completed. I now know what I want to see at the finish line, so now I need to explore, define, and map out the steps to get there.

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